Each location for FLEET will bring different contexts and opportunities for arts and culture programs. FLEET programs are guided by place, local community needs, and how to best advocate for and alongside ongoing arts and culture activities in each location. FLEET explores collaborative models for how the studios are used, engaged with, and activated over the course of the studio’s stay in a location.

Programs are delivered by a small team consisting of artists, arts workers, curators, planners, and architects. The team’s approach is to build and sustain responsive, respectful, and reciprocal relationships with artists, community partners, municipalities, and the public with a priority of removing and/or reducing systemic barriers to access FLEET as a resource.

The inaugural year of FLEET programming reflects these ongoing relationships through the lenses of care and community.

Upcoming Programs


Visiting Artist: Eliot White-Hill Kwulasultun

Please join us in welcoming Eliot White-Hill, Kwulasultun as the first visiting artist at FLEET: Edmonds!

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Visiting Artist

Artist Talk with Eliot White-Hill Kwulasultun and Michelle Sound

Join us at FLEET: Edmonds for an artist talk with Michelle Sound and Eliot White-Hill Kwulasultun. Sound and White-Hill will share an introduction to their creative practices, reflecting back and looking ahead towards their periods as visiting artists at FLEET

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